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One would assu­me the con­flict won’t go nuc­le­ar, becau­se that’s a paten­tly absurd result for eco­no­mi­cal­ly inter­twi­ned nations figh­ting over what amo­unts to an inco­nve­nient sand­bar, but experts feel a naval con­flict isn’t out of the question with Chi­ne­se admi­rals hur­ling bel­li­co­se rhe­to­ric alre­ady. At issue is the Uni­ted Nations Conven­tion on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a body of law that ide­al­ly keeps coun­tries from huf­fing and puf­fing and spar­king nuc­le­ar arma­ged­don, but that inste­ad leaves open eno­ugh ave­nu­es of inter­pre­ta­tion that both sides swe­ar up and down that they’re fol­lo­wing the let­ter of the law when it comes to the Spra­tly Islands — a gathe­ring of sun­ken reefs 500 miles off the Chi­ne­se shore.

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11 listopada 2015


Admiralty Law, Bankruptcy

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